I am approaching the 1 year anniversary of my departure from the job that I worked for 15 years as a dishwasher at Ruby Tuesday. June 25,1995 was the day that I got hired by the restaurant,a young energetic manager named Kenny Woodrow interviewed me and I was greeted by then-server at the time,Toni Barra--who was the first RT employee to greet me. I got the job thanks to my church friend and then-RT cook Jason Esposito. He trained me about the basics of the dish machine and the dishpit and I took it from there. Over the years,I have worked with so many wonderful & awesome people(aka co-workers). They were so cool! The managers there prior to February of 2010 were awesome. There were times where I had my bad days there but I forged on,being happy and doing the best job that I can. There are female co-workers I had a crush on over the years but about 99.9% of them were taken(shucks). But they still remained my friends and they are still very sweet! As a tribute to them,I am posting up pics of them to show that I will NEVER EVER forget them as long as I live! :)