Monday, September 1, 2014

2014 Has Arrived!

Happy New Year,LOL!!! Man,it has been 8 months since I wrote in here. A LOT has gone on since 2014 began! Wow! Winter Storm Hercules hit Massachusetts earlier this January and I had to stay overnight at the mall on 3 different occassions,which was no fun considering that I HATE winter,LOL! Power Rangers Super Megaforce premeired back in February. The Silver Ranger,Orion,already made his debut and it is really cool! My sister & brother-in-law got me a year's subscription to the WWE Network for my birthday! My cousin,Bree,got married. My sisters got a Wii U for their birthdays. My brother,Tyler,will be getting married in 2 months. I visited his fiancee's family. I got a new phone and bought some cool stuff from! I just saw TransFormers 4,LEGO Movie & Expendables 3 this year in the movies as well. There was no Whaling City Festival this year unfortunately but there was a Carnival. I also went to the Portuguese Feast this year. My sister,Jewel,has a boyfriend. I have learned how to download songs to my MP3 player this year as well. I also have a new phone in which I now have an Instagram account and the ability to do my show "The People's Lima" from anywhere other than my room,LOL!  Jon Lester got traded this year to Oakland for Yoenis Cespedes. Well,I am curious about how the rest of 2014 will go. We'll find out,won't we?

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