Sunday, October 12, 2014

RIP Saturday Morning Cartoons

As many of you know by now,2 weeks ago CW was the final network to have Saturday morning cartoons. Now there is no more Saturday morning cartoons on network television. But the good news is that you can relive your childhood via Youtube (depending on the copyright) and on DVD. As a kid growing up in the '80s,I usually wake up,get my favorite cereal and turn on the TV to watch them. I liked a lot of cartoons in the 80s but in the 90s,there was only one show I will watch on Saturday mornings: Power Rangers,thanks to the magic of VCR timers while I am working,LOL! I have some of the 80s cartoons on DVD and even though I work on Saturday mornings now,I can relive those days considering that Saturday morning cartoons are no longer but there are a couple of cable channels that still air cartoons like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon but they do not air the classics from back in the day. Thank goodness for the Internet,LOL!

Press Your Luck- The Return

Gemini before he became an American Gladiator

Jenny Jones before she became one of the top talk-show hosts of the '90s.
I just recently found out via Internet that the 80s classic hit game show from CBS called "Press Your Luck" has once again returned on the Game Show Network! It made a comeback on GSN on September 1,2001 and went off the schedule a couple of times before they came back sometime this year. When I was a kid growing up in the '80s,Press Your Luck was one of my favorite game shows. In fact,it is one of my top 5 all-time favorite game shows. This show got everyone to give me my first ever official nickname: Whammy. Because I was doing voice imitations of the Whammy at the time in front of friends at Parker School. One of the counselors of the YMCA After-School Program,Susan Manning (RIP Sue),gave me that nickname and it stuck throughout my tenure at the YMCA After-School Program at Parker School. Well,I am glad the show is back on GSN and I hope they air ALL the episodes of Press Your Luck! Big Bucks and No Whammies! For those of you who do not know how to play,it's simple. Answer 4 questions: Correct buzz-in is worth 3 spins,multiple choice is 1 spin. Stop the board and whatever you get you win. If you land on a Whammy,you're broke and if you hit 4 Whammies,see ya! Most money at the end of the game wins!

Leslie Nielsen in his final TV appearance. Here,he Whammied out playing PYL for his charity.

Michael Larson,he cracked the code of the light sequence on the PYL gameboard,forcing producers to make changes. He has the all-time PYL record of $110,237 in cash & prizes.

One of the top 10 money-winners on PYL,Chris Kass.

PYL: Pilot version

German version of PYL.
PYL- Australia

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