Sunday, September 5, 2010

Playing Cards- Once A Childhood Hobby

When I was a little youngster, I thought playing cards were the coolest things ever on the planet because I always find the face cards to be colorful and unique. I started collecting playing cards because of a game show that I watched back in the day called "Card Sharks" and it was hosted by Jim Perry. I bought my first deck of playing cards from a store that was once at the mall that I work at but the mall was called North Dartmouth Mall at that time and in that mall at that time was a store called Zayre. Now Zayre was the early-80s version of Wal-Mart where the prices were decent during that time. It was there that I got my first deck of playing cards called Standard. The Joker card was a hobo clown and the Ace Of Spades had a Joker inside the spade itself. The face cards were colorful and unique at the time. I had the red & blue back decks of the Standard cards but a lot of things happened and they were gone.......up until eBay happened. I found these same cards on eBay and bought them and now my child hood is complete!! Nowadays, I buy the decks that have red & blue backs and mainly bridge-size cards now. Plus, I play Solitaire with them now whenever I get really bored.....that is, when either the power goes out in my house or the Internet is not working. 

These are the Zayre Standard Playing Cards that I had when I was a kid, now that I found them on eBay, I can relive my childhood in a different way now. 


                                The blue back of the Zayre Standard Playing Cards.





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